Organoid: See. Feel. Smell. Experience!

Learn how Organoid surfaces bring the harmony of nature into our workspace.

In breaking down the ORGANOID brand, “Organic” (in the sense of natural and pristine) and “oid” (from the ancient Greek for ‘like’) are the key elements.

100% sustainability, authenticity, closeness to nature and non-treated natural materials are the ingredients of our natural surfaces.

The visual experience

The first glimpse – we SEE the Natural Surface and recognize the raw material, e.g. lavender. Memories appear – grandmother‘s garden, holidays in the countryside…

Thanks to a gentle production process, the natural features of scent, color and feel are preserved. Nature lovers will recognize the processed raw material at first sight.

The haptic experience

Curiosity is stirred and we move our hands and fingers across a tactile surface to feel its nuances and the individual parts of plants – leaf, stem, bud & husk. Organoid surfaces are delivered without any sealings. So, the natural fibres still can be sensed. For higher resistance further sealing treatments are possible.

The olfactive experience

With our most sensitive sense we notice the delicate scent. We SMELL the surfaces and close our eyes: fresh Alpine-hay, sweet rose, refreshing lemon, stimulating coffee…and we pause for a moment to breathe deeply.

No artificial aromas or colors are added and so our Natural Surfaces smell according to their natural characteristics and help to improve the room atmosphere.

Experience of Nature in Interiors

People feel most comfortable in a natural environment. After all, humans perceive the world around them with all their senses.

We are able to achieve this feeling of comfort with our ORGANOID natural surfaces. Capable of evoking strong emotions, nature in its infinite variety is now featured in interior spaces as well.

Source: Organoid